York Caravan Park: Holiday Cancellation Plan

No-one ever wants to cancel a holiday.

To make matters worse, there is the added worry of losing your deposits and pre-payments.

York Caravan Park’s holiday cancellation plan gives our guests peace of mind for most of the catastrophic events that might require you to cancel your holiday with us, all for a fee of just £2.50 per night booked.

Plan Benefits:

If you have to cancel your holiday within the plan terms:

  • 7 or more days prior to your booked arrival, a full refund of booking fees*.
  • Less than 7 days prior to your booked arrival, 50% refund of booking fees*.
  • *Excluding the cancellation plan fee.

    What is Covered?

  • The death, bodily injury, illness or admission to hospital as an in-patient to you or any other member of your party or immediate family* where the cancellation is certified as medically necessary by a medical practitioner. Pets are not covered.
  • Redundancy qualifying for payment under any applicable statute of any person in your booked party.
  • You, or a person in your party, being required for compulsory jury, witness service or proceedings in a Court of Law that must be undertaken within the time between their leaving home to start the holiday and returning home after the holiday.
  • Vehicle breakdown en-route to the park is not covered by the Holiday Cancellation Plan.
  • Definitions:

  • Immediate family means the partner, or the child, grandchild, brother, sister, parent or grandparent of you or a person in your booked party.
  • Qualified Medical Practitioner a doctor or specialist who is registered or licensed to practice medicine under the laws of the country in which they practice.
  • Cancellation Procedure

    If you are in the unfortunate circumstances of having to cancel your booking under these circumstances, please contact us immediately by telephone 01904 424222. Follow this with an email or letter including the qualifying circumstances of your cancellation. You will then have a further 30 days from the date we receive your notification to provide qualifying evidence to continue with your refund claim.

    Holiday Cancellation Plan Fees

  • Fees for 2024/2025 season start from just £2.50 per pitch night booked.
  • The Holiday Cancellation Plan is accessible on our Booking page.
  • The cancellation plan is only available at the time of booking.
  • Cancellation fees may be subject to change without prior notice.
    • York Caravan Park Ltd. trading as York Caravan Park. Registered in England No. 09175216. Registered address: 121 Stockton Lane, York YO31 9JA.

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